Doing the work is hard.
As of late, we have been sharing a series of tips to create an amazing brand on our social media channels. If you missed them, you can catch them here. And while, I believe those tips to be to be absolutely solid, I also get the other side of the equation.
Giving advice is easy. Doing the work is hard.
I'm sure that is something that every business owner (really...every human) can identify with. It is so much easier to offer tips "of value" to people than it is for folks to execute them.
This isn't exclusive to branding or marketing. How many of you have read tips for a better workout plan, morning routine, productivity tool, and on and on?
This encourages our brains to slip into “should-ing” behavior in which tell ourselves all the opportunities we may be missing by wanting to do things like…oh..I dunno…sleep! And then we look up tips on how to get a better night’s sleep. It can be an endless loop if we let it.
Setting the tips aside and getting down to brass tacks…here are the real take aways I want you to have from the relatively vague yet beautifully designed tips for your brand.
- It doesn’t have to be hard The MCBCreative team has expertise in all aspects of branding and business and the know-how to bring them all together in a process designed to make your life easier. In short, we know how to do the stuff you may not and we will become a trusted partner on this journey.
- Let’s get curious. We ask a lot of questions upfront so we can make thoughtful choices for your branding from the get go. We know how to use the story of your past and present to help you springboard into future success. We anchor your branding in your mission, vision, and values so it feels true and creates instant emotional buy in.
- You can have the brand you dream of. You no longer need to compromise your branding. As a matter of fact, I will argue that you do your business a disservice when you diminish it’s awesomeness by not representing it fully and accurately.
- Yes, you can have it now. We are dedicated to making the branding process straightforward and effective, tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. We work efficiently to give you an amazing brand and all of the tools to execute it flawlessly. Every one of the 10 tips for branding we offered, are things that we can help you to execute.
I understand the challenges of transforming branding advice into actionable results. That’s why I am dedicated to helping MCBCreative’s clients bridge the gap between ideas and execution. Let us handle the complexities, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.
Let’s make it easy, together.