Thoughts on how you can find your flow
It is the sweet spot. When operating in your Zone of Genius, your work is its own reward. It is intellectually challenging and emotionally fulfilling. You are both purpose driven and intrinsically motivated to perform the tasks in front of you. You feel unstoppable and energized. Time flies.
The Zone of Genius was introduced in the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Since then, other books have been written and TED Talks delivered on how to identify and harness this place of connected flow.
This video is from a talk I was invited to share at the Adams Hub for Innovation. It is my personal take on the concept and how I have come to define and utilize that purpose-driven environment as an entrepreneur and owner of MCBCreative.
I am neither a motivational speaker, nor am I a career coach. So - you ask - how does a presentation about the Zone of Genius fit in with my work as a corporate brand consultant and commercial photographer?
Ultimately, I strive to create partnerships with business owners / operators and provide services that allow them to maximize time in their Zone of Genius - focusing on what matters most so they can do their best work.
When business owners are clear in their vision, we can work together more successfully to execute on that vision and grow their brand.
I am a vision translator. I use a brand-based approach with business owners / operators and help them to more accurately reflect the vision they have for their company through clear, consistent brand application and the creation of high-quality images.
Big thanks to the team at the Adams Hub for Innovation in Carson City, Nevada for the invitation and the video production work.
Give it a watch and let me know if you have harnessed your Zone of Genius or if you have other ways to find your flow.
Recommended reading:
- The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks
- Find Your Zone of Genius by Laura Garnett
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert