Why owning a small business is worth it!
Have you ever wondered who participated in “the great resignation” and where they went? I am that person. Not surprisingly, a global pandemic can force us to think hard about our lives and how we are living them. I had a “good” corporate marketing job with a handsome salary and generous benefit package, and yet I was miserable. My creativity was stifled and I felt my soul shriveling.
I left it all behind to follow a the spark of an idea that had been glowing in my imagination. That spark, when well tended became the flame that is now MCBCreative. I couldn’t be more happy to have taken the leap. Here are a few of the reasons I love being my own boss.
I don’t work in my pajamas, but I could if I wanted to. I don’t work traditional banker’s hours. Far from it. When a spark of creativity comes my way at 9 p.m., I feel free to stoke that fire with no resentment toward an employer that I’m working outside of “paid” work hours. It also means I can take a half-day to hit the mountain on a powder day.
In the corporate world, creativity was often given lip service and shriveled without the benefit of energetic follow-through. With MCBCreative, every day is a blank canvas waiting for my imaginative brushstrokes. I get to unleash my creativity and watch my business and the businesses of my clients flourish as a result.
In my previous corporate life I devoted time, energy, creativity, and enthusiasm to each project I was given. I poured my heart into my work often to be met only with feigned interest. At some point, I decided that I would never work that hard for anyone again unless I had equity in the outcome. I don’t mind working that hard for my own vision because I am the recipient of the dividends. I reap what I sew.
Forget the Sunday dread – now, each day brings new possibilities, challenges, and the excitement of figuring out how to best capture the vision. I follow the guide of curiosity in my work and the work I am doing for my clients. It is all “research and development”. Sometimes that means eating an exceptional meal or getting back-stage access. I swear, that looks a lot like work when I’m doing it.
Mountain Climbing
Running a business is like being in a never-ending episode of a reality show. From marketing strategies to financial management, I’m constantly faced with new challenges. I can either tackle them with zeal, or recognize when I need to hire a professional who knows better than I. The learning curve is steep, but the view from the top will always be worth the climb!
Each potential client is a relationship waiting to be built. I am not just selling a service; I am creating an experience based upon the passionate vision of my clients. We are a part of a team and that is a connection that remains long after the transactions are concluded.
There is such a thing as healthy stress. It’s actually good for you to push your own envelope. Sure, it can be scary venturing into the unknown, but every entrepreneur knows that fear is just an indicator of exciting opportunities. It means we are on track to do big things. When we embrace the uncertainty and face fear head on, our resilience grows.
Gone are the days of counting down the hours until “quitting time”. As an entrepreneur, my work and life blend - sometimes seamlessly, sometimes like a messy crayon scribble. It’s not about achieving a work-life balance; it's about creating a harmonious symphony where both play together beautifully. It is not a balance, it is a teeter-totter. The key is making sure that, over time, both sides get equally super fun air time.
Where the Buck Stops
In the past, I tired of decisions being made in boardrooms far removed from the point of execution. Now I am the final decision-maker. I am clever enough to know what I don’t know and I am blessed to be surrounded by amazing mentors and advisors so that when I make a final decision, I am clear that it is the right one. It is awesome to have the final say. And equally awesome to have the ability to change course as needed.
MCBCreative is not just a business; it's my passion project. People resonate with passion. When you love what you do, it's contagious and attracts like-minded clients and collaborators. I have been blessed to share my vision and gain many enthusiastic cheerleaders in my corner. There are also hard days as an entrepreneur, and passion is what acts as our true North so we can keep going even through the tough stuff.
Okay, in all honesty, entrepreneurship is also a bit selfish. Every day I invest in MCBCreative, I’m building a legacy. Whether I remain a small shop or build an empire, I’m leaving a mark on the world and creating something of value to my community. The impact is real, and the journey is just as important as the destination. That feels pretty good.
If you are thinking of making the leap into self-employment and want to chat, I’d love to talk about my experience and all of the wonderful lessons I’ve learned so far.